Konuşma Başlığı : Catalyzed C–H Functionalization
Talk Title: Multi-Target Antiviral Drug Discovery Journey: From Synthesis to Pre-clinical Drug Research
Talk Title: Preparation of Polymeric Holders for Cell Proliferation Studies with the “Soft Lithography” Technique
Talk Title: Innovative Analytical Strategies for Low Detection Limits and High Accuracy Targets
Konuşma Başlığı : On the Way to a Carbon-neutral Chemical Industry: Ssustainable Carbonylation Reactions utilizing Carbon Dioxide
Talk Title: Customization of Supramolecular Architectures: Molecular Design and Functional Network Formation
Talk Title: Development of Semi-Transparent Organic Solar Cells
Konuşma Başlığı : Catalytic Functionalisations of Ligands C-H bonds andMild Hydrogenations processes for Innovative Syntheses
Konuşma Başlığı : Phthalocyanines: tailoring and improving their properties for technological and biomedical applications
Konuşma Başlığı : Doğal Fenolik Antioksidanlar - Bazı Global Hastalıklara Karşı Multitarget İlaç Olma Potansiyelleri
Talk Title: Molecular Engineering of Phthalocyanines for Solar Energy Conversion Systems
Talk Title: Conceptual Density in the Field of Chemistry New Developments Based on Functional Theory
Talk Title: Nano/Micromaterial Based Sensor Applications
Konuşma Başlığı : Heterojen (Foto)Katalizli Karbon-Hidrojen (C-H) Bağ İşlevselleştirilmesi Yolu ile Heterosiklik Bileşiklerin Sürdürülebilir Sentezi
Talk Title: Pyrazole: small molecule with a big application potentials
Talk Title: Biofunctional Surface Design: Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Applications
Konuşma Başlığı : Geçiş Metal Nanokümeleri: İklim Değişikliğine Karşı Hidrojen Ekonomisinde Katalizör Olarak Kullanımı
Talk Title: Importance of Bee Products in Food and Health, and Methods for Detecting Common Adulterations
Talk Title: Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes in Organic Materials Chemistry
Konuşma Başlığı : Consequences of steric constraints on a catalytic center
Talk Title: Consequences of steric constraints on a catalytic center
Talk Title: Use of Green Solvents and Green Adsorbents in Environmental Applications
Talk Title: A New Approach to Electrical-Double Layer (EDL) Formation with X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
Talk Title: Transition states
Talk Title: Converting biomass into value-added products and fuels
Talk Title: Increasing the Selective Liberation Degree by Chemical Method: New Horizons in Flotation Applications.